
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Possibility of Time Traveling

image from crystalinks

So I was watching Discovery channel and they were talking about time traveling and they had all sorts of explanations to how it is possible. Well, according to theories told from the show, traveling to the future wouldn't be too hard to imagine, but it's the point where traveling back in time is the one that I find it hard to explain.

image from planetware

To us now, traveling back in time is probably to check out things like; how did they build the pyramids, how was Rome before it was being build over by newer buildings, how does the dinosaurs really look like or maybe sensitive things like politics or religion. But to someone who is probably 100 years in the future or even more, would they still be interested in little things like that? or could they be more interested in our current events? We do at least need to give a little credit to global warming right?

Then the question becomes, why aren't we seeing any time travelers now? is it because they blend themselves with us so we won't be able to tell if they are really time travelers, or maybe they had successfully perfected camouflage to make them invisible? Or maybe they just aren't interested in us now because there isn't really anything interesting nowadays other than war and global warming? I mean, I'm sure that they would like to verify how credible is their history books/.doc/.pdf just like how we would doubt our history books.

image from uphaa

Or maybe those UFO's we heard that many people sees and claims that they are observing us are really us humans in the future and those UFO's are really a time traveling ship made a 100 years or more in the future?

image from howstuffworks

Many claims that it rotates or glows, which fits in quite some theories that they need to bend light to create a time-travelers CTC (closed time-like curves). But if that is true, and if UFO's are indeed our future time-travelers vehicle instead of just a vehicle to travel to outer space (which also fits into rotates and glow to bend time to allow 'warp-speed'), does that means that those 'aliens' that quite a lot of people claims to have seen, are really the future-evolved us?

image from goldendome

After all, we really had been evolving ever since earth was created. So, if UFO's just really an elaborate time-travel machine and that the aliens are the future highly evolved us, then does it means that we are alone in this know universe and we will always be alone?

Tell me what you think about this.

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